Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Iman Dani Mohd Hafiz

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Iman Edna Mohd Hafiz

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Iman Ayra Mohd Hafiz

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

nak walker =)

dani skarang baru nak masuk 5 bulan..tapi dani da start lasak sgt..tgh imagine bila dani da umur setahun..so las week jln2 dgn b, so trnampak deretan walker..saja bagi dani test, nk tgk badan dia elok tegak ke x..so far dani suka, but we feel that tggu dani genap 5 bulan la baru mama n abah beli k..dani kecik lg la, syg kat backbone dani nnt =)

suka sayang mama nie..xoxo

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

the birth of Iman Dani Bin Mohd Hafiz

I would like to re-set this blog to type in the story of iman dani from the birth and hopefully until he grow up. Alhamdulillah, on July 28th, 2010 at 6.55 am, i managed to deliver dani safely. never cross in my mind that the situation will be like that, in such of rush, never expect to be like that. Let's see the chronology:

July 27th, 2010 (6.30 pm) :

me, mr.hafiz, mama, n my MIL went to railway station to send MIL back to Kelantan. The depart time was 7.00 pm, so we were planning to have a walk at the mall nearby the station, FYI, at that time i was 5 days overdue. But i still want to take a walk to fasten the deliver time. After having dinner and send my MIL. We went back, otw we stopped at chinese shop, mama ask mr.hafiz to bought a detergent. unfortunately, mr.hafiz don't know what brand he supposed to take. then i simply ask him, "takpe la, jum kita masuk sama tgk kot2 ada".. so we went together, still no brand suit with what mama's want. unexpected, i fell down before manage to get in car. ** fell down secara terduduk** mama la yg insisted to bring me to the hosp. kalau ikut aku x payah la kot, x rasa sakit sangat pun.

July 27th, 2010 (8.30 pm) :

time ni da kat hospital. the nurse ask me to go change the cloth, doc will check me..masa ni da risau kot2 thay ask me go back home, cos no pain shown (as for me laaa..), then, doc tu seluk2, dia ckp da 4cm (wtf?), than dia tanya, "awak x saket ke?"..nope i said. "pasni awak trus masuk labor room k, i expect you bersalin mlm ni gak"..lagi la bertambah gelabah..

July 27th, 2010 (11.30 pm) :

Setel semua sessi seluk menyeluk, nurse suruh B register. at that time, i felt like?? @blurrr@ mcm x percaya..

July 28th, 2010 (12.00 am) :

da sampai labor room. sempat puji bilik tu, cantik n sgt selesa. time ni bole rilex gelak2 dgn nurse praktikal..hoho..then, tiba2 dia cucuk tgn nk carik urat, nak masukkan air kata nya. air tu utk kuatkan sakit contraction ok. perghh..5 minit je gelak2..then da start sakit..guling2 oh!

July 28th, 2010 (2.00 am) :

sakit da teruk time ni. never crossed in my mind, yg kita x bole pun pegi toilet utk pee. so 2 kali aku kena masuk wire kat bwh tu, utk buang pee..perghh azab dia x bole nk ckp..da la saket contraction, tahan kena seluk lg, pastu masuk wire lg..ya allah je la bermain kat mulut..time ni gak nurse bg some sort of oksigen utk kita sedut, kata nya bole relieved a bit the pain..tapi xpunnn ok, sakit dia still ya rabbi

July 28th, 2010 (6.00 am) :

time ni baru 9cm, tapi da x tahan..siap jerit kat B, "da nak teran, da nak teran, x tahan" serious weh, rasa cam ada benda nk jatuh kat bawah tu, doc dan sekutu gelabah masuk dlm bilik..so she instruct me to push hardly.. ni rasa nk salahkan diri cos malas pegi kelas antenatal, end up ko x tau camna nk push, hamik! da setengah nyawa ok, teran x tau bape puluh kali, x kuar2 gak..time tu mmg da flat, cos tenaga xde, early on siap da muntah masa air ketuban pecah, x rehat, unprepared deliver la senang cite kan.. so finally, doc finalized to use vacuum to asisst..pergh ingt vacuum tu boleh la relax..caitt, saket kot masa bnda alah tu masuk. x smpai 5 minit baby da kuar...

July 28th, 2010 (6.50 am) :

tiba2 rasa warm je atas bdn, aku masa ni separa sedar kot, nmpak doc campak baby atas bdn, tapi mcm x heran lgsg, cos penat..agak selfish la time tu.. alhamdulillah..lama mama pregnant kan dani eh, end up dani nk kuar dgn cara mcm ni..ehehehehe

da ada anak da aku..alhamdulillah

Monday, February 1, 2010

Iman Aleesya/Iman Adriana/Iman Haris/Iman Haikal

To tell the truth, we still unable to identified our precious will be a boy or a girl. too early i guess..so we still cant decide which name we goin to use. actually from the start we prefer to put the "Iman" in front of the baby's name. Iman looks so sweet, and all parents will always hope that the name that our son/daughter brings, will be a guidance when he/she go thru this life. But the thing is we cant decide to use which name for the second name. Adriana ke, Aleesya ke,Haris ke, Haikal.... truly confusing. we hardly tried to give our precious such a good name and carry good meaning. Hubs seems not really give a damn to all this thing..haha..might be he not fully excited yet, whenever i throw the ideas bout the names, he will smiles and agree with it, tapi x tau laa..if at this moment jer he will agreed with everything, at the end, he will throw up the ideas plak..mati!but i have new hobby, collecting baby romper..hehe..hubs just keep silent and pay for any romper that i pick up. not that expensive thou, i collecting such a unique romper due to the still unidentified gender..hehe.. recently, we when for Metrojaya Expo Sale, a lot of baby clothes yg sangat la cantik, esp for girl. for sure we cant buy the specific color rite??it will be kinda wasted for us. so i just bought one romper and baby booties/mitten. that baby booties is quite cheep, we found at jusco like RM10, but at the expo we managed to get at RM4. oK la tu, not dare to buy so many things yet.

me at 16 weeks pregnancy =)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

pregnancy hormone

motif of this image??haha..might be from this picture u guys cannot see the pimples yg melanda my cheeks. but2 if you double click the image, you will see, and please be prepared to bombared your monitor.that is what i'm experiencing in my pregnancy.. sgt teruk ok.mmg melampau itu pimples, smpai mr.hubs pun mcm.."errrr..." =) tp bila enter 3rd months, it recovers slowly. now da semakin ok..alhamdulillah..but another thing that i'm experiencing, the old scar yg ada di tangan suda menjadi agak gelap..betul la my mom ckp, when you get pregnant, all your scar will be darken..i xtau mcm mana nk solve benda tu..

my mil request =)

my mil selalu advice kan utk i dgr smua surah dari al-quran yg bagus2 di kala kita pregnant. i dgn sil pun da penat carik. tapi x jumpa yg berbentuk cd, smua dlm kaset. i pun da buntu. then lastly mi head just pop up, why not i just download it from the internet..ayyooo x it savvy langsung..hehe..so i just download all the surah2.just i forgot to bring my usb, how to transfer to my phone kan??ayyoo.. or why not i just buy one cd-r, surely can hear it while i'm driving kan??ayyoooyoo